It started with LOVE.

By Erik Farstad

December 1, 1997

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

This is the most known and remembered verse in all of the Bible. But have you really taken a good look at what it is saying? There are four parts to this verse, let’s break it down:

1) Love - "...God so loved..." Here is where all things must begin, with LOVE. Passion, compassion, excitement, motivation and drive, are all adjectives that help explain how we "feel about" something. Love for something moves us to act passionately or drives us to action. Without love we would be, dead, uncaring, bored, sluggish and slow. But Christ was full of love, His life and death was a testimony of that!

2) Giving - "...he gave..." He gave because He LOVED. God loved you so much that He gave His ONLY SON! He sent His son to retrieve all His other sons and daughters (you and I) that had fallen away due to sin. A sacrifice of one, to save the many! Would you give away your most precious possession for millions of people you don’t even know?

3) Believe - "...believes in him..." A sinless life, a pure walk, devoid of all impurities, that is the life of Christ. We can never live the life He did, but we will eventually die. Two scenarios. If you do not believe in Jesus you will perish! But His death gave us another option to an eternity in darkness, gnashing of teeth and the hot fires of Hell. If you believe that He took YOUR place on YOUR *cross, you will not perish. *(It is important to remember that it was not Christ’s cross that he hung from his flesh on, but yours, mine, everybody’s. He did not deserve that cross, we put Him there!)

4) Lastly, Life - "...eternal life." A new body, one free from sickness, disease and the stresses of this world. Imagine a place with streets of gold, flowing waterfalls and pure-white doves flying all around. Paint whatever picture you’d like, but Heaven is a place where we will be able to sit at the throne of our Father and praise Him for everlasting!

LOVE-GIVING-BELIEVE-LIFE! If you remember only one thing from this remember LOVE, for it is where all things flow. A person can give without loving, but no one can love without giving.

Let this be your prayer today:
Dear Lord, I will never understand your Love and your sacrificial gift of Christ, just for me. May your love pour into my heart, to give it to others, so that they can come to believe in you and have a new life. Thank you that you see me white as snow, forgiving all of my sins and transgressions against you. Today, I humbly come to your feet to praise your name, the King of King and the Lord of Lords. I love you Father, because you first loved me! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Take time right now to praise your Father!!!

In Him, "E"