The Holy Spirit: The Fire Wall

By Erik Farstad

December 4, 1997

"Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control." Proverbs 25:28

Have you ever seen how quickly a fire can burn out of control? A small flame can start in the corner of a house, but within a few minutes can have the entire house in flames. Our temperament is no different.

Tempers, attitudes and anger can flare up like a fire and overtake our lives, destroying all that is in and around us. Where does this destructive temper come from? Our spirit. What you are filled with determines what will flow out. Are you frustrated, angry or mad, expect your life to exemplify that! The truth is, we all deal with these temperaments. So how do we ‘rule over our anger?’

Think of the Holy Spirit as the great barrier or wall between destructive temperaments, the world and you. Have you ever prayed this, "Lord take away my anger, I don’t want it." or "Lord fill me with your peace and love, I give you my frustration and anger." If you know Christ, the Holy Spirit is the wall built-up around you to protect you.

For those cooks out there, think of a colander or strainer. The Holy Spirit is a special "self-control" colander. It convicts and directs your anger and destructive temperaments to sieve out in a Godly manner rather than in an uncontrolled way! If you did not have this special wall of protection you would have an out-of-control life. Self-control is for YOUR defense and protection. And if you have it, others benefit!

Do you ask the Lord to sift through your spirit, rejecting those things of destruction, only keeping those things that glorify? Or are you like a city broken down, with no walls of protection? The Holy Spirit is the wall not only to just protect you, but to protect those around you from your unholy temperaments!

"Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control." Proverbs 25:28

Have you ever seen how quickly a fire can burn out of control? A small flame can start in the corner of a house, but within a few minutes can have the entire house in flames. Our temperament is no different.

Tempers, attitudes and anger can flare up like a fire and overtake our lives, destroying all that is in and around us. Where does this destructive temper come from? Our spirit. What you are filled with determines what will flow out. Are you frustrated, angry or mad, expect your life to exemplify that! The truth is, we all deal with these temperaments. So how do we ‘rule over our anger?’

Think of the Holy Spirit as the great barrier or wall between destructive temperaments, the world and you. Have you ever prayed this, "Lord take away my anger, I don’t want it." or "Lord fill me with your peace and love, I give you my frustration and anger." If you know Christ, the Holy Spirit is the wall built-up around you to protect you.

For those cooks out there, think of a colander or strainer. The Holy Spirit is a special "self-control" colander. It convicts and directs your anger and destructive temperaments to sieve out in a Godly manner rather than in an uncontrolled way! If you did not have this special wall of protection you would have an out-of-control life. Self-control is for YOUR defense and protection. And if you have it, others benefit!

Do you ask the Lord to sift through your spirit, rejecting those things of destruction, only keeping those things that glorify? Or are you like a city broken down, with no walls of protection? The Holy Spirit is the wall not only to just protect you, but to protect those around you from your unholy temperaments!

Let this be your prayer today:
Dear Lord, I want my spirit to be filled with only you. When I am angered or frustrated, I ask that you take away that which causes destruction. Thank you that you stand between me and the world, protecting me from harm. But thank you also for protecting those around me, by sifting through my spirit removing my unholy flames. I acknowledge that the only way to put out my flames is to come to you, may I never forget that. Thank you for your love and for always providing. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Are your walls crumbling? Are there fires in your life that need to be put out?

In Him, "E"