Garbage In,Garbage Out

By Erik Farstad

January 21, 1998

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29

It is so important what we say in all situations. Are you living a life that is dramatically different from those around you? Are your actions different than that of the world? Do you say no to what is displeasing to the Lord? Is the only thing that separates you from the world the fact that you attend church on Sundays! Are the words God, Christ, and Jesus only spoken around your "saved" friends or when you feel comfortable to say them? Tough questions, but you need to answer them before you can read on.

You’ve heard this saying before: Words can cut like knives. But the lack of words can also sting and cut also. When you don’t take a stand or go along with unwholesome behavior, you are cutting all right. You are cutting the Lord and ultimately those around you. Let me explain. You are not showing obedience and love for Christ when you go along with what is ungodly. At the same time, you are not giving those around you an opportunity to see that a person can be different. That a person can stand for righteousness and what is worthy of Christ. You may be someone’s only chance at salvation and unless you let them know by your actions, words and deeds...well you know the outcome.

So how do you stay away, free and clear of ungodliness? Garbage in garbage out. When you fill your bodies with "garbage" that is exactly what will overflow towards people. But if Christ is what you fill yourself with, it will be His spirit that flows out from within. Yet you must take a stand to be different, to walk a different life, not choose the actions and words of the world. How? First of all, you must daily read the bible. It’s words will help transform your life and actions, putting them on tract with the Lords. Further, continually ask Christ for strength to turn from your current ways, for Him to direct your path towards Him. Once on this path your communication, verbal and non-verbal, will be edifying and minister to those around you.

Let this be your prayer today:
Lord, I thank you for your cleansing blood. Today I choose to turn from my corrupt ways, words and deeds. I want to overflow with your loving spirit to this lost world. May all that I do be glorifying to you. I acknowledge I cannot do this without the power of your Holy Spirit. So I ask that your spirit lead me from corruption to redemption. From hate to love, anger to peace, and from words of "nothing" to words of "YOU!" I love you Lord and I ask all of this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Now go out there and take the day for HIM, glory be to God in the highest. And remember you are not the only one that benefits from living a Godly lifestyle, those around you do too!

In Him, "E"