Eccl 4:4-6 The Capitalist

Eternity Online: John Edmiston (Editor)

Eternity-Inspiration for Friday  14th November 1997

Eccl 4:4-6 The Capitalist

(Ecclesiastes 4:4-6 NIV) And I saw that all labor and all achievement spring from man's envy of his neighbor. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. {5} The fool folds his hands and ruins himself. {6} Better one handful with tranquillity than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind.
Solomon's cynical generalisations continue. People do not want to be equal. They want to be better than the person next door. The average man or woman does not envy a millionaire, they envy the person who got promoted ahead of them in the same office. So they try harder next time and labour and achievement is produced. So goes the theory. Thus saith Solomon. This is the theory of capitalism foreshadowed before its time. Can such a cynical "law" be of God? Has he designed the world to work only if we envy each other? The answer must be a resounding "No". What then is the alternative.

The driving force for doing anything should be faith, hope and love - not envy. We should work for God's praise and reward and from a heart filled with God's love. God intends Christians to be men and women of faith.They do not look at their neighbours or even at this world but long for a heavenly land. (Hebrews 11:14-16 NIV) People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. {15} If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. {16} Instead, they were longing for a better country--a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.

How do we do this? By having a clear sense of what God wants us to do then implementing that. Great satisfaction comes from doing what God wants. A satisfaction much deeper than anything envy may offer. For me it is in editing Eternity Online Magazine. I do this because I believe it is my ministry from God to be pursued diligently by faith. I strive for excellence and quality but do not consciously compete with others. Like an athlete I strive to do a "personal best" and do not turn my head to look at how the person "in the next lane" is doing. I hope I rejoice in the success of other ministries.

Verses 5&6 are like a Zen parable. Except it is not one had clapping but one hand full. Person 1 in the drama is a fool. He folds his hands, they are empty, he is lazy and ruins himself. Person two has one hand full of possessions and the other full of tranquility. This is ideal. Person three has two hands full of possessions but is full of toil and striving after wind. There is no quality of life. This teaches us that we need to think in terms of quality as well as quantity and to reflect and ask ourselves "what do I really want from life". Then get it. You may have to drop one handful of "things" so your life can be filled with inner peace.

So we have toured capitalism in three verses of the Bible and what have we found? That envy is a great motivator but faith, love and hope are better ones. That laziness destroys us, that greed leaves us without a soul, and that perhaps we need to be faith-filled servants of God with one hand full.

Lord gives us the sense to live by faith like a pilgrim, full of peace with one hand full. Amen.


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John Edmiston ([email protected])
Editor - Eternity Online Magazine
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