It Was All Going Fine Until . . .

By Johnny Angel

Have you ever worked on a project that was all going fine until some unexpected terror struck and messed the whole thing up? Have you ever been working on a puzzle with a lot of pieces, put the thing together, and then watched in horror as it was knocked off the table and shattered into pieces? Have you ever been doing a lab project that was working out just fine until you put one too many drops in the beaker and the mixture turned pink instead of yellow? I'm sure that we've all had experiences like these and weren't too happy when they happened.

This weekend I visited my family and on the way home and back to school I was able to marvel at the beauty of creation as the beautiful fall colors worked their way into the mountains of East Tennessee. I had a great time with God while I was driving. And it occured to me, God worked really hard to make the whole universe. Genesis 1 gives us the details of how hard God worked to make a perfect place for us to live. Then He created people. Adam and Eve walked and talked with God in a strong relationship. It was all going fine until one day Adam and Eve decided to disobey what God had commanded. They commited the first sin by eating the forbidden fruit.

And I'm sure God was very hurt and frustrated about what had happened. He knew that the human act of disobeying Him, sin, was something that He hated. I'm sure it would have been much easier for Him to just say the whole thing is messed up now so I'll just destroy it. But He didn't. He loved the people He created so much that He had given them the ability to make choices. They had chosen to do wrong. But even in the midst of their failure, God decided that He still loved them. He knew He would have to send His only Son to bridge the gap that sin had created. God wanted to turn "sin" into "son"! God wanted the relationship to be restored.

I remember loving to play with Lego blocks when I was growing up. I had worked so hard to build a massive city (or at least a whole city block). One night two of my friends were staying over. They decided to have a little fun and destroy my precious creation. It really made me mad. But I got over it. And I lovingly worked to put my precious creation back together. (Admit it, those little guys with smiley faces deserve a place to live!) I could have just given up, but I wanted to give it another chance.

That's how God's love is for us. I run into so many people who try to make Chrisitanity into something that it's not. They try to make God unreachable and uncaring. They try to say that we have to do this, this, and this before God will even think about us. But Romans 5:8 declares that while we were still sinners, God showed His love to us by having Jesus die for us. God wants to bridge the gap that sin has created. But He can only do it through His Son. When we accept the work that Jesus did on the cross, we are forgiven and we have a walk with God. We can walk and talk with Him just like Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden before they sinned.

Don't allow people to make God's love complicated. Paul explains in Colossians 2:16-23 that Christianity is not a matter of "Do this." or "Don't do this." because such rules and regulations are only a man-made religion that seem good but really aren't. 2 Corinthians 3:17 tells us that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. We are free to find fulfillment in Christ and to serve Him because we love Him.

N Prayer,
Johnny <*}}}><