
By Gerald Sumeracki

Oh, it was a wonderous sight, That balmy summer day, To see a thousand on the hill, Awaiting what He'd say. Disciples all did marvel much, At this huge throng of sheep, All gathered now to hear the Word, Proclaimed in truths so deep. Then Jesus stood and asked them all, "Sit down upon the sod." A hush, then quiet quickly came, As Christ through them did trod. His voice was clear, His message came, In words new to their ears, The humble touch the Master gave, Dispelled their many fears. "You're blessed dear ones, if poor you be, "With spirits brought so low, "For God's abode will be your crown, "As in His love you grow." "And those who mourn, lament no more, "For God does give to you, "A comfort sure dispelling fear, "To know He loves the Jew." "And those whose gentle spirits reign, "Know well as sure as life, "The earth and all its joys and hopes, "Will be your gift, not strife." "And all whose hunger is for right, "Know well this very day, "Your seeking shall be satisfied, "Does this your Lord now say." "Those who give to mercies work, "Will reap rewards in kind, "Yes, they will know that which they gave, "They'll one day need and find." "The pure of heart our God does love, "Yes, learn to be their kin, "For in the childlike heart so pure, "Men stay far from all sin." "And blest are you who make the peace, "You do a mighty deed, "As Sons of God you'll all be known, "By those whose lives you've freed!" "And those whose souls are mocked by all, "Because they rightous be, "Will have the crown of heaven sure, "Because their eyes could see." "Yes, blest are you whose hearts beat strong, "For your true God and friends, "In loving will you find reward, "To crown you earthly end."