The Way

By Gerald Sumeracki

Do you believe in Jesus Christ, And know His Love as real? Have you received the grace of God, To live your life with zeal? Man's given much to know the Lord, His rules for life are shown, In selflessness we're all set free, So reasons can be known. "I am the Way" the Lord did say, "Seek Me and be set free!" To be a slave to evil ways, Will lose you heaven's key. Seek God and His true righteousness, And trust Him with your life, His will for man does free the soul, And eases worldly strife. To give all love and will to God, Is hard when troubles rise, Stick with the Lord, He's faithful friend, God never tells men lies. His rule for man is simple Truth, Love God and do what's right, Trust in His Word, accept His Son, On God do keep your sight.