LORD of Hosts

Serving the Lord and His People

This website is dedicated to our LORD and Savior Jesus, the Christ, providing information that glorifies God the Father, and bears witness to His only begotten Son. The vision is to build communications bridges among the LORD's people, and help build unity in the Body of Christ.

The site was inspired by our Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit of the living God. We both pray that the site will be a blessing to you, and that the LORD bring us all closer to Him.

"Ground breaking" for the site took place on July 4, 1996. During site construction over the next few months, features will be added on an ongoing basis, with formal site debut scheduled for Thanksgiving day, 1996. In the mean time, may God bless all of you.

Your prayers, comments, and suggestions are most welcome. Thank you, and may the LORD be with you.

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Staff of Lordofhosts.com | July 4, 1996.