Alone in the dark?

By Erik Farstad

December 9, 1997

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

The King of Kings, Lord of Lords gives a command you’d think one would keep it! Why does one not keep a command...they do not trust the wisdom of the commander! This lack of trust equals a lack of faith.

Here in Joshua we are told to be STRONG and COURAGEOUS, NOT TO BE TERRIFIED or DISCOURAGED. Now this statement would mean nothing if just left like this. There is no reason to obey because there is no "for" statement. But our wonderful Father provided the "for" statement. "...for the Lord your God will be with you." What more do you need to hear to obey? You can draw upon the strength and the courage of the Lord God!

Imagine yourself in the dark. You cannot see an inch in front of your own face. Suddenly it becomes really cold, you start shaking and shivering. It gets worse. You hear gnarling sounds all around you, the growling beast, it must be huge. How long will you survive? Will you die of fear, cold or will the beast get you?

Now you are in the same dark space. This time you are not alone. The Lord is with you, He’s holding your hand, guiding you through the darkness. You start to shiver in the cold, He picks you up and draws you close to His warmth. The beast starts to gnarl, but your guide and protector puts the beast to sleep. The light becomes greater and you are soon out of this dark place. You survived because of HIM.

Will you obey His command? You should for HE IS WITH YOU ALWAYS!!! But how do we obey? It begins with the Word, the powerful Word of God. Constantly read and study the Bible and your courage and strength will mount up within you. How powerful is the word? In the old testament it cast out demons, healed the sick and brought to life that which once was dead. That same power lives on today and can in your life also. So when terrified or discouraged, repeat a psalm, read the account of Jesus calming the stormy seas or warding off Satan’s attempts. Whatever you choose to read, true power begins with the WORD OF GOD!

Let this be your prayer today:
Dear Lord, forgive me for not trusting in you, for having little faith. Without you I will tremble in this darkness, thus I call upon your strength and courage to overcome the evil of this world. When up against the wall, in my times of trial and fear, I choose to obey and not be dismayed because you are with me. You are greater than anything in the world! Thank you for keeping me in your loving care. May I now go boldly, knowing that I can do all things because you give me strength and have left your Holy Word to use as my sword. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Are you in the dark? He’s reaching out to you. All you need to do is reach out to HIM!

In Him, "E"