Deadline is coming

By Erik Farstad

February 3, 1998

No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Mark 13:32

All living creature on earth are on a deadline. A deadline in life you may say. Even as I sit and write these words, I think of the deadline I’ve put myself under to get this out to you. In life we all deal with deadline’s of varying sorts. At work, at home or at school, people and tasks fight for our timeliness. Have you stopped to consider that you as a believer in Jesus Christ, have a deadline also? Are you not called to be a witness to those around you? To live your life worthy of Christ? When Jesus Christ comes back to this earth will you be ready? The return of Christ is coming, the deadline is near. What are you doing to prepare?

Imagine this: For years you’ve focused your attention to this world, giving your time and energy to events that have no heavenly significance. Suddenly, Christ comes back. You say, "Wait! I haven’t had time to share your forgiving love and grace with my friends and family. I need a little more time to witness...I want the people I love to be in heaven with me! Please, can’t I have more time?"

It’s pretty scary to think about leaving those you care about behind. Do know that all events in scripture that need to take place before Christ’s return have already taken place. Yes, deadline is coming. How are you preparing for it? You’ve been giving a life, a book. What do your pages say? What stories will God read about when you present it to him in heaven? It’s up to you to write those pages. The life you lead, is being recorded right now in your own special book. Make your pages read of changed lives, battles won, hearts changed, all for the glory of Jesus Christ.

We don’t know when deadline will come, but we do know very soon. This could mean hours or years. Don’t think about the when, but the what. What are you doing now for Christ? Yesterday is gone and tomorrow hasn’t is your day! Don’t put off what you need to do today for Christ. That might be accepting him into your life, beginning that ministry you’ve been called to or sitting down with your co-worker and sharing Christ. I don’t know what He is calling you to do but I can guarantee that if you do it, it will change someone’s life forever.

For when the editor of life comes for your book, don’t hand Him empty pages because you weren’t aware of the deadline!

Let this be your prayer today:
Dear Lord, thank you so much that you’ve given me a chance to serve you. I ask that you convict my life and actions to be only on you and your kingdom. I acknowledge that my deadline on life is coming, and so today pray for opportunities to share your love and life with those around me. Lead me, guide me and help me to be Christ-like in all I do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Deadline is near, but you have life use it!!!

In Him, "E"