Breaking through walls: "Clicks"

By Erik Farstad

February 18, 1998

"Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." Ephesians 4:3

Why are you here on this planet? Do you ask yourself that question? Well, if you are a believer and follower of Christ I hope you respond something like this: "I’m here to impact this world for Jesus Christ. To live my life, as Christ would, to give all the glory to God. All the while praying that many would repent and come to Him, to know Jesus as their savior." Maybe you wouldn’t phrase it like that, but I hope that would be your purpose. If you’re not a believer in Jesus Christ, than I pray that He reveals Himself to you. I pray now, for everyone reading, that we all open ourselves up to Christ’s life and teachings.

One of Christ’s lessons was on unity. Why unity though? Well if you think about it, it becomes quite apparent. If millions of people sharing one belief stood together, there message would be quite powerful. But if you take those same millions and separate them up into thousands, though still claiming the same beliefs, the separate messages being sent would be confusing. Many would wonder why all the different groups don’t stand together as one? John 17:23 says it best, "I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." Unity creates a powerful witness to the reality of Christ!

So when you don’t extend your hand to your neighbor, your fellow brother or sister in Christ, in actuality you are not extending your hand to God! If you call yourself a Christian and are excluding people, creating clicks (call it what you may), than you are not living in union with God. The life you live is a direct reflection of your relationship with God! During Jesus’ time on earth, one of His greatest desires was for His disciples to be one. He desired their unification so they could be a powerful witness of God. As He sits by His fathers side in Heaven, His desire is the same for you.

So how do you break out of your click, begin to unify the body of Christ? You start by putting your pride and ‘self’ away. Remember your role on earth is to lead others to Christ, not to yourself or your ideals. The minute you think you’re better than someone else, the walls shoot up and unity is lost. Unity begins when all those who believe focus on God, daily reading His word and seeking guidance. God left you the Holy Spirit to guide you. What you must do is follow! When you become uncomfortable, and you will, pray and ask God to reveal the beauty and difference in others. You see we are imperfect, we have faults. We don’t see and feel things as God does. We see good, bad, beautiful and ugly. But through God’s help, you can see and achieve unity. Only if you are willing to put in the time, effort and make the necessary changes (as God leads) in your own life.
Time:		In God’s word, the Bible.
Effort:		To reach out to those around you.
Changes:	As God directs and moves in your heart.
The walls of separation were built over time, but God can bring them down in an instant if you’re willing to let it happen!

In Him, "E"