Leave It In God's Hand

By Johnny Angel

"Leave everything in God's hand, and you will discover God's hand in everything."

I found this quote today during my quiet time with God. It is very appropriate for what has been going on in my life the past few days. God is there to help us in time of trouble. We must simply look for Him and seek Him. He doesn't really hide from us. We just have to focus on Him.

When I first started college last year, I attended a seminar on quiet time. The instructor said that we can make our quiet time with God last all day long if we will just look for Him everywhere. I have learned that there are ways to find God everywhere.

I have found God in songs, in movies, in problems, in schoolwork, in circumstances, in church, at the mall, and everywhere I go. I find there are ways to relate God to whatever is going on. Back in the spring, I wrote about how I saw similarities between the Bible and scenes or characters in Star Wars. This is just an example of what I am talking about.

One Friday night about two weeks ago, I was driving around taking a study break. I decided to take a different route that night to get to KMart. I drove through the old part of town. And somehow as I drove along, God started speaking to me. I can't remember if it was in the music I had on or stuff I noticed as I drove along. But tons of ideas began filling my head. Somehow I got to a pen and paper in time to write them down. There had been an opportunity to do an activity with several of the campus ministries that night. But I had felt like I shouldn't go to it. I did have some studying to do. And God spoke to me even in the midst of that situation. I would like to share one of the thoughts that came to me.

There are always those who speak of great revival taking place. Some even get up in front of a body of believers and read Bible verses about God sending revival or about how much God can do. They often expect a great movement to take place as soon as they read these verses. But God does not always work in this way.

The weekend I felt the calling into the ministry, I was driving around struggling and arguing with God about whether or not He was really calling me. A devotion came on the radio that said God will use us to do great things over a long period of time. Sometimes we can stop and reflect on what God has done over the past few years, and it will blow us away.

As I thought back over this devotion, I felt that God was saying to me that He wants our commitment to Him over a long period of time no matter what may come up. Many people want instant revival without allowing God to teach them to be patient and without going through a few hardships to get God's work done. But we can experience revival on a daily basis if we will look for God everywhere. We can see God at work even more if we will just look at the great things He is already doing. Many times God allows us to have a spiritual high or a great vision simply to motivate us to do work. Things may not turn out like we think they will. God may let us think one idea to get us to carry out another idea. But if we will commit to Him on a daily basis, He will be able to do a lot with us over a long period of time. Many people fear this commitment. It is also easy to allow yourself to give up just because things are going smooth or to be hard on yourself just because you've messed up once. But God is a loving, forgiving God. He just wants our hearts and our commitment to serve Him. He will help us to handle the details that come up along the way.

We can find God's hand everywhere. Consider this poem and think on what the Lord Jesus is to you!


To the Artist the Lord Jesus Christ is the one altogether lovely
To the Architect He is the Chief Cornerstone
To the Baker He is the Living Bread
To the Banker He is the Hidden Treasurer
To the Biologist He is The Life
To the Builder He is The Sure Foundation
To the Carpenter He is The Door 
To the Doctor He is The Great Physician
To the Educator He is The Great Teacher
To the Engineer He is The New and Living Way
To the Farmer He is The Sower and the Lord of the Harvest
To the Florist He is The Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley
To the Geologist He is The Rock of Ages
To the Horticulturist He is The True Vine
To the Judge He is The Righteous Judge, The Judge of All Men
To the Juror He is The Faithful and True Witness
To the Jeweler He is The Pearl of Great Price
To the Lawyer He is The Counselor, The Lawgiver, The Advocate
To the Newspaperman He is The Good News of Great Joy
To the Philanthropist He is The One who loves and seeks to benefit
       mankind, He is the unspeakable gift
To the Philosopher He is The Wisdom of God
To the Preacher He is The Word of God
To the Sculptor He is The Living Stone
To the Servant He is The Good Master
To the Statesman He is The desire of all nations
To the Student He is The Incarnate Truth
To the Theologian He is The Author and Finisher of our faith
To the Laborer He is The giver of rest
To the Sinner He is The Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the
To the Christian He is The Son of God, Savior, Redeemer, and Lord

N Prayer,
Johnny <*}}}><