God Will Provide/God Is At Work!

By Johnny Angel

Dear friends,

Okay I admit that I am a scatterbrain and an airhead. I did it again. I walked in a restaurant in a hurry without enough money to pay for my meal. But one of my friends with me, and he "sacrificed" (at least that's his version of the story) by loaning me money to buy my McDonalds feast. I would ask that you pray that I would remember to stop at the ATM machine from now on. But it's neat how God helps us to be in the right place at the right time so we can see Him at work!

Yesterday I woke up ready to conquer two unit exams in a row. I rushed through breakfast and started to go to class. Suddenly I remembered that I would need a pencil, pencil sharpener, and scantron form to take the first exam. So I happened to be right beside the school bookstore. I ran in and grabbed what I needed. I was in the process of thanking God for this and asking Him to help me make it to class in one piece. Then the instructor didn't even show up. So I guess that exam will be on Tuesday. But the point to the story is that God helped me to sign up for the right classes this semester. I prayed about my schedule, and God knew which ones would have situations like exams being postponed. He guided me as to which classes to take. Though my schedule makes me stressed many times, I can see the hand of God working through it. I encourage all of you to pray for God to help you as you make decisions about classes to take, where to go to college, where to go to church, who to date, and whatever decision you have to make. He will help you!

Earlier this week, I could not get motivated to study for one particular exam. I prayed for help with studying. The day before the exam, I got into a working mood and managed to cram all the information into a three hour period. The amazing part is that I actually understood it and recalled it during the exam. Once again, prayer changes things!

This morning, one of the teachers that I work with through my field studies in elementary education let me listen to a CD that she and her husband recorded. It was really neat. The amazing part was her testimony of how they got it recorded. They have a friend in Middle Tennessee who was having a small studio built. The construction crew refused to take pay for building it. Then people started giving him equipment. He uses his studio for the Lord. He feels that his calling is to provide a studio for Christians who need to make recordings.

And God is still at work! Last week, a 95 year old blind man who is almost deaf accepted Christ as his savior! This week, someone that we have been praying about for several months made a decision for Christ!

One thing I've noticed through email is that many of you let me know how God is working in your lives and with people you know. Some people who never look beyond their own little corner of the world will instantly let me know how horrible things are getting. But I know that God is at work all over the place. What's more, I keep hearing of what God is doing on the other side of the world. My church started a church in Romania about five years ago. Today there are churches in four villages that are growing!

Whenever you're feeling down, just look at what God has already done. Look for what He is still doing. And you will have to admit that things no longer look so bad!

N Prayer,
Johnny <*}}}><