
By Gerald Sumeracki

They brought to God's true temple, Their first born gift of love, A Son, One holy to the Lord, With offered turtledoves. He was God's true Annointed, In flesh come to the earth, This little boy presented now, Would bring to man re-birth. A man of grace named Simeon, Was promised as a Jew, And told he'd see the Savior's face, Before his life was through. When he did see this boy child, Presented on that day, The Holy Ghost did spark his soul, To God he then did pray. "I thank you now Oh Yahweh, "I praise you now, my Lord, "For I have seen Your Holy One, "Your grace on me's been poured." And so the child was God's now, Presented by a priest, A Son of God in fact and Law, The One who'd slay the beast.