
By Gerald Sumeracki

His final hour did now approach, As friends did gather near, He told them what He had to do, And asked them not to fear. Yes Jesus sadly told them all, "Alone I'll face my end, "For none of you now have the strength, "That later I will send." Then Simon Peter boldly said, "My faith in you won't bend!" "Not so," said Christ, "The truth you'll see, "Before this day does end." "For you will say you know me not, "Deny me thrice you will." "Not I," Said Peter with fixed stare, "For me they'd have to kill." Well, Peter did deny the Lord, Three times as Jesus said, He let his fear replace the faith, Once living now found dead. But through his sin he gained in love, And knew forgiveness true, Yes, he accepted Christ the Lord, In Him, His faith then grew.