A Conversation with Steve

By Gerald S. Sumeracki

"Come on Steve, don’t jump in the dummy bag now!"

Pastor Drake was getting real personal with Steve at this point and Steve had a hard time 
admitting the pastor was developing a good argument. Steve had resisted addressing the real 
issues of life as they related to Jesus and now Pastor Drake had him cornered.

Pastor Drake had been trying for quite some time to get Steve to look into the mirror of his 
soul and ask the kind of questions that he knew needed asking. Although Steve had not been 
associated with the fellowship he was privileged to shepherd, Todd Drake pressed on. Steve’s 
mother, a dear saint who had arranged the circumstances that found these two men together this 
day was a member and a dear friend.

"Can a person graduate college without attending classes Steve? Can a flower grow without 
care and watering? Can you master that computer essentials class you’re attending without 
instruction and guidance?"

Steve had avoided religious talk for years. He had been raised to believe in a higher power, 
to be good to others and to respect those in authority. A point had been reached however where 
God’s usefulness in his modern life was doubted, a point where Steve felt it was him and him 
alone who was the true Master of his world. To Steve, God had become that opiate of the masses 
who had no faith in themselves or a command of the circumstances around them.

One underlying fear always seemed to surface when people like Pastor Drake challenged Steve’s 
thinking and that fear revolved around death. Steve had developed the belief at some point in 
his life that God (if there really was one) and the certainty of death existed in close 
proximity. In dwelling upon God and eternity, he inevitably had thoughts of death, which Steve 
avoided at all costs; talks with people like Todd Drake were to be avoided at all costs!

"Steve, you’re a young man and the likelihood of you dying soon is remote" said Pastor Drake," 
but consider this, ( Steve did not want to hear what the pastor was cooking up…he knew this 
man could be relentless and effective) "would you reward sloppy work from one of your employees; 
how about laziness or non-productivity or downright rebellion? Would you just lump such an 
employee into the group who were good workers, loyal, honest, productive and worthy of reward 
just because you did not want to deal with them or hurt their feelings?"
Steve had just fired two of his employees last week for just the kind of negative attitudes 
just mentioned by Pastor Drake and his response was immediate: "Heck no! I can understand 
situations where someone might have an occasional problem but the kind of chronic behavior you 
mention is something I have not nor will tolerate."

Pastor Drake’s twinkling eyes and small smile told Steve he had opened a door that he just 
might wish he hadn't. "Steve, what we do with our lives here on earth is critical. We are like 
employees of God and he is looking on to see if we make the decisions that lead to the goal 
he’s set before all of us.What makes you think he should admit someone to heaven who is like 
the rebellious employee? What makes anyone think his divine justice can even allow it? What 
reasoning does a man use to develop the notion that he can spend an entire life away from God, 
and then expect God to treat him like a saint who had loved him and sought his presence in 

Steve knew he had a problem. No one would think a person could graduate school without 
attending a class, no one would expect an unworthy employee to rank with those who excelled, 
no one would expect to master any worth while goal without the application of time and effort 
to learn. Champions do not win without practice and God does not reward those who ignore him 
with heaven….Steve understood but somehow didn’t...or didn't want to!

Steve thought out loud. "I wonder why I fear God? I wonder why I fear death? I wonder why I 
fear……fear itself? Is not God loving and merciful, able to recognize my frailty and forgive ?" 
Pastor Drake placed his hand on Steve’s shoulder and spoke, "Fear is a tool Steve, a tool of 
the very pit of Hell. Fear is the opposite of trusting faith and without faith it is impossible 
to please God. Scripture state’s that God rewards those who believe in him but He cannot accept 
those who do not have faith in him. That would be like giving a paycheck to a bum on the street 
who did nothing to earn it.

Steve thought about those words and replied, "Pastor, if God requires faith in him as a 
condition of salvation then many people of the world will be missing the boat. Jesus made 
claims that many cannot accept so in that respect God is being unfair in his requirement."
"Not so Steve," replied Pastor Drake, "God never would expect a person to exercise a measure 
of faith he had not been gifted with for faith in God is just that, a gift. God's fairness and 
justice will never be a point to challenge in eternity, it is only in the natural where man 
expresses such doubts and concerns. God expects us to seek him in accordance with the gifts he 
gave and promises us that he will be found when that searching is diligent and honest."
Steve was beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel the pastor was bringing him through.
The thoughts, opinions, philosophies, religions, doctrines and "hang ups" of mankind had little
to do with the government God worked under. Mankind constantly tries to bring God to its terms,
 tries to make God obey its value system and attempts to get God to jump through the hoops it 
feels are appropriate in order to relate in terms we judge to be acceptable. Mankind does not 
like to think about what God has plainly stated in his revealed word, it would rather twist 
those words to suit its interpretations, add to or detract from them as each individual feels 
inclined so as to justify the philosophical stance each feels is appropriate for them.....pure 
self interests at work here, the very sin that cause Satan to fall.....Pride!

"I'll have to do a lot of study before I can truly understand all this pastor," Steve commented,
 "and I'll get back to you when I've found my way." Steve hoped this would satisfy Pastor Drake 
but the man was relentless!
"Steve, Don't think your study, your effort, your understanding or your personal philosophy is 
what God wants from you at this point of your life...he simply wants you to trust him. He asks 
you to have faith in the love that caused him to manifest as Jesus so that he could open the 
heavens to all who would follow Christ's lead. Jesus did all the work and all that is required 
of you and I is to believe in that work, trust God to be faithful to his promises and let God 
be a God unchallenged by our opinions and limited understanding of the eternal."

"Steve, all you need to do is accept Jesus as Lord of your life. Give up trying to be a god 
unto yourself and realize the only purpose you really have for living is to get to where you 
were created to go and that is into the heavens God created for you to enjoy forever. There is 
only one sure way for you to get there as I've stressed so often and your mother no doubt has 
been praying for you in that regard, that is through Jesus who is the 'Way' the 'Truth' and 
the 'Life.'"
Steve's spirit yearned for completion and his heart ached for that which would bring fulfillment. 
Pastor Drake sensed the time was right for Steve to take the step into the waiting arms of the 
smiling Lord as he said, "Steve, open your heart and repeat this prayer with me: 'Lord Jesus, 
I am a sinner and ask you to forgive me for all the things I've done wrong. Please accept the 
measure of faith I have and strengthen it as I seek to know you more. I accept you as my Lord, 
my Savior, my Redeemer and my King and shall trust you for all goodness as I walk the path of 
life you have prescribed for me. Thank you for saving me Lord. Reveal yourself to me more each 
day as I seek to appreciate the wonders of your grace and love.....Amen.'"

Steve opened his eyes after Pastor Drake had finished speaking and the significance of what he 
had just prayed brought tears. He had broken through his wall of selfishness and pride and had 
humbled himself before the Lord God and knew....HE KNEW....that he was forgiven and accepted 
into the family of God in a way he had never thought possible. It felt wonderful!

The heavenly host looked upon the scene and sang songs of praise and thanksgiving for yet 
another addition to God's family. Solemnly the Almighty uttered, "If only more would break 
through their selfishness and pride, if only more would come to believe like Steve."